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Mark Cruz

Aquaveo SMS Premium 13.0.10 x64: The Best Software for Surface Water Modeling

Aquaveo SMS Premium 13.0.10 x64 Free Download

If you are looking for a powerful software for surface water modeling, you might want to check out Aquaveo SMS Premium 13.0.10 x64. This software has all the necessary features and tools for modeling various rivers and coastal phenomena, such as floods, waves, sediments, solutes, particles, and more. In this article, we will tell you what Aquaveo SMS Premium is, what are its features and benefits, how to download it for free, how to install it on your computer, and how to use it for surface water modeling.

Aquaveo SMS Premium 13.0.10 x64 Free Download

What is Aquaveo SMS Premium?

Aquaveo SMS Premium is a software product developed by Aquaveo, a company that specializes in water resources engineering software solutions. Aquaveo SMS stands for Surface-water Modeling System, and it is designed to help engineers and scientists create, edit, visualize, and perform numerical simulations of surface water models.

Aquaveo SMS Premium is based on a flexible design approach that allows users to build conceptual models using familiar GIS objects such as points, arcs, and polygons. These objects can be used to represent the geometry of hydraulic structures, boundary conditions, sources and sinks, observation points, and other model components. The conceptual model can then be converted into a numerical model by selecting one of the many available numerical engines that are integrated with Aquaveo SMS Premium.

Aquaveo SMS Premium supports a variety of numerical models for different applications, such as:

  • SRH-2D: A two-dimensional finite volume model for shallow water flow and sediment transport.

  • ADH: A multi-dimensional finite element model for hydrodynamic flow, sediment transport, water quality, and mobile bed morphology.

  • RMA2/RMA4: Two-dimensional finite element models for depth-averaged flow (RMA2) and water quality (RMA4).

  • FESWMS: A two-dimensional finite element model for unsteady flow in open channels and overland flow.

  • TUFLOW: A two-dimensional finite difference model for simulating flood and tide propagation in coastal and riverine environments.

  • BOUSS-2D: A two-dimensional Boussinesq wave model for simulating wave transformation and runup in coastal areas.

  • CSTMS: A one-dimensional cross-shore sediment transport model for simulating beach profile evolution.

  • STWAVE: A spectral wave model for simulating wind-generated waves in coastal waters.

  • GENCIRC: A two-dimensional finite difference model for simulating tidal circulation and water level fluctuations in estuaries and coastal regions.

  • PTM: A particle tracking model for simulating the movement of particles or contaminants in a flow field.

Aquaveo SMS Premium also provides a comprehensive set of tools for visualizing and analyzing the model results, such as:

  • Contour plots, vector plots, scatter plots, and profile plots.

  • Animation and time series graphs.

  • Statistics, histograms, and frequency distributions.

  • Sensitivity analysis, calibration, and optimization.

  • GIS data conversion and export.

Benefits of using Aquaveo SMS Premium

Using Aquaveo SMS Premium for surface water modeling has many benefits, such as:

  • It saves time and effort by allowing users to create conceptual models using GIS objects instead of tedious grid generation.

  • It offers flexibility and versatility by supporting multiple numerical models for different applications and scenarios.

  • It enhances accuracy and reliability by providing quality control tools and error checking features.

  • It improves productivity and efficiency by facilitating data management, model execution, and result visualization.

  • It increases collaboration and communication by enabling data sharing, report generation, and online publishing.

How to download Aquaveo SMS Premium for free?

If you are interested in trying out Aquaveo SMS Premium for yourself, you might be wondering how to download it for free. Well, the good news is that Aquaveo offers a free trial version of Aquaveo SMS Premium that you can download from their official website. The free trial version is fully functional and allows you to use all the features and tools of Aquaveo SMS Premium for 14 days. However, there are some limitations to the free trial version, such as:

  • You can only save projects with up to 1000 nodes or elements.

  • You can only run numerical models with up to 1000 nodes or elements.

  • You cannot export data to other formats or applications.

  • You cannot print or publish your results online.

If you want to download the free trial version of Aquaveo SMS Premium, you need to follow these steps:

  • Go to the Aquaveo website and click on the "Download" button at the top right corner of the page.

  • Select "SMS" from the list of products and click on the "Download Trial" button.

  • Fill out the registration form with your name, email address, phone number, country, organization, and purpose of use. You also need to agree to the terms and conditions of use. Then click on the "Submit" button.

  • You will receive an email from Aquaveo with a link to download the installer file for Aquaveo SMS Premium. Click on the link and save the file to your computer.

How to install Aquaveo SMS Premium on your computer?

Once you have downloaded the installer file for Aquaveo SMS Premium, you need to install it on your computer. To do that, you need to follow these steps:

  • Double-click on the installer file that you downloaded from Aquaveo. This will launch the installation wizard for Aquaveo SMS Premium.

  • Select your preferred language for the installation and click on the "OK" button.

  • Click on the "Next" button to proceed with the installation. You will see a welcome screen with some information about Aquaveo SMS Premium. Read it carefully and click on the "Next" button again.

  • You will see a license agreement screen with the terms and conditions of use for Aquaveo SMS Premium. Read it carefully and select the "I accept the agreement" option if you agree with them. Then click on the "Next" button.

  • You will see a screen where you can choose the destination folder for Aquaveo SMS Premium. You can either accept the default folder or browse to a different one. Then click on the "Next" button.

  • You will see a screen where you can select the components that you want to install for Aquaveo SMS Premium. You can either accept the default selection or customize it according to your preferences. Then click on the "Next" button.

  • You will see a screen where you can review your installation settings and make any changes if needed. Then click on the "Install" button to start the installation process.

  • Wait for the installation process to complete. You will see a progress bar and some messages indicating the status of the installation.

  • When the installation is finished, you will see a screen that confirms the successful installation of Aquaveo SMS Premium. You can also choose to launch Aquaveo SMS Premium or view the readme file. Then click on the "Finish" button to exit the installation wizard.

How to activate Aquaveo SMS Premium on your computer?

After you have installed Aquaveo SMS Premium on your computer, you need to activate it in order to use it for more than 14 days. To do that, you need to follow these steps:

  • Launch Aquaveo SMS Premium from your desktop or start menu. You will see a splash screen with some information about Aquaveo SMS Premium and a countdown timer for the trial period.

  • Click on the "Activate" button at the bottom right corner of the splash screen. This will open a dialog box where you can enter your activation code for Aquaveo SMS Premium.

  • If you have purchased a license for Aquaveo SMS Premium, you should have received an email from Aquaveo with your activation code. Copy and paste the activation code into the dialog box and click on the "OK" button.

  • If you have not purchased a license for Aquaveo SMS Premium, you can request a free trial activation code from Aquaveo. Click on the "Request Trial Activation Code" button in the dialog box and fill out the form with your name, email address, phone number, country, organization, and purpose of use. You also need to agree to the terms and conditions of use. Then click on the "Submit" button.

  • You will receive an email from Aquaveo with your free trial activation code. Copy and paste the activation code into the dialog box and click on the "OK" button.

  • You will see a message that confirms the successful activation of Aquaveo SMS Premium. Click on the "OK" button to close the message and start using Aquaveo SMS Premium.

How to use Aquaveo SMS Premium for surface water modeling?

Now that you have downloaded, installed, and activated Aquaveo SMS Premium on your computer, you are ready to use it for surface water modeling. In this section, we will give you a brief overview of how to use Aquaveo SMS Premium for creating, running, and analyzing a surface water model. We will use an example of modeling a river flood using SRH-2D as our numerical model.

Overview of the user interface of Aquaveo SMS Premium

When you launch Aquaveo SMS Premium, you will see its main window with several components, such as:

  • The menu bar at the top of the window, where you can access various commands and options for working with projects, data, models, tools, windows, and help.

  • The toolbar below the menu bar, where you can access some frequently used commands and tools, such as creating new projects, opening existing projects, saving projects, undoing and redoing actions, zooming in and out, selecting objects, editing objects, creating objects, running models, displaying results, etc.

  • The project explorer on the left side of the window, where you can view and manage the data and models in your project. You can expand and collapse different folders and items in the project explorer by clicking on them. You can also right-click on any item in the project explorer to access its properties and options.

  • The graphics window on the right side of the window, where you can view and edit your data and models graphically. You can use various tools and commands to manipulate your data and models in the graphics window, such as panning, rotating, zooming, selecting, moving, resizing, snapping, etc.

  • The status bar at the bottom of the window, where you can see some information about your project and data, such as coordinates, units, projection, scale factor, etc.

How to create a conceptual model in Aqu aveo SMS Premium

To create a conceptual model in Aquaveo SMS Premium, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create a new project or open an existing project in Aquaveo SMS Premium.

  • In the project explorer, right-click on the "Map Data" folder and select "New Map" from the menu. This will create a new map in your project.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Create Feature Point" and "Create Feature Arc" tools to draw the outline of your river and its floodplain. You can also import existing GIS data or digitize them from an image or a map.

  • In the project explorer, right-click on the map that you created and select "Map -> 2D Mesh" from the menu. This will create a new 2D mesh in your project based on the map.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Select Elements" and "Select Nodes" tools to select the elements and nodes that you want to assign different attributes, such as material type, boundary condition, source/sink, etc.

  • In the project explorer, right-click on the 2D mesh that you created and select "Assign Materials", "Assign BCs", "Assign Sources/Sinks", etc. from the menu. This will open a dialog box where you can assign different attributes to the selected elements and nodes.

  • Repeat steps 5 and 6 until you have assigned all the necessary attributes to your 2D mesh.

  • Save your project.

Congratulations! You have created a conceptual model in Aquaveo SMS Premium.

How to select and run a numerical model in Aquaveo SMS Premium

To select and run a numerical model in Aquaveo SMS Premium, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the project explorer, right-click on the 2D mesh that you created and select "Convert To SRH-2D" from the menu. This will create a new SRH-2D model in your project based on the 2D mesh.

  • In the project explorer, right-click on the SRH-2D model that you created and select "Model Control" from the menu. This will open a dialog box where you can specify the simulation parameters for your SRH-2D model, such as time step, simulation duration, output frequency, etc.

  • In the project explorer, right-click on the SRH-2D model that you created and select "Run SRH-2D Model" from the menu. This will launch the SRH-2D executable and run your SRH-2D model. You will see a progress bar and some messages indicating the status of your simulation.

  • Wait for your simulation to finish. You will see a message that confirms the successful completion of your simulation. Click on the "OK" button to close the message.

Congratulations! You have selected and run a numerical model in Aquaveo SMS Premium. How to visualize and analyze the results in Aquaveo SMS Premium

After you have run your numerical model in Aquaveo SMS Premium, you can visualize and analyze the results in various ways. To do that, you need to follow these steps:

  • In the project explorer, right-click on the SRH-2D model that you ran and select "Load Solution" from the menu. This will load the solution file that contains the results of your simulation.

  • In the project explorer, expand the SRH-2D model that you ran and select the dataset that you want to display, such as water depth, velocity, shear stress, etc.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Display Options" tool to adjust the display settings for your dataset, such as contour levels, color scheme, transparency, etc.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Create Vector Plot" tool to create a vector plot of your dataset, such as velocity vectors or flow direction vectors.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Create Scatter Plot" tool to create a scatter plot of your dataset, such as water depth versus velocity or shear stress versus sediment concentration.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Create Profile Plot" tool to create a profile plot of your dataset along a selected arc or line, such as water depth or velocity profile along a river cross-section.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Create Animation" tool to create an animation of your dataset over time, such as water depth or velocity animation during a flood event.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Create Time Series Plot" tool to create a time series plot of your dataset at a selected point or node, such as water depth or velocity time series at a gauge location.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Statistics" tool to calculate and display some statistics of your dataset, such as mean, standard deviation, minimum, maximum, etc.

  • In the graphics window, use the "Histogram" tool to create and display a histogram of your dataset, such as frequency distribution of water depth or velocity values.

Congratulations! You have visualized and analyzed the results in Aquaveo SMS Premium.


In this article, we have shown you how to use Aquaveo SMS Premium 13.0.10 x64 for surface water modeling. We have explained what Aquaveo SMS Premium is, what are its features and benefits, how to download it for free, how to install it on your computer, how to activate it on your computer, and how to use it for creating, running, and analyzing a surface water model. We hope that you have found this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to contact us or leave a comment below. Thank you for reading!


Here are some frequently asked questions about Aquaveo SMS Premium:

Q: How much does Aquaveo SMS Premium cost?

A: Aquaveo SMS Premium is not a free software. It is a commercial software that requires a license to use. The price of Aquaveo SMS Premium depends on the type and duration of the license that you choose. You can check the pricing details on the Aquaveo website or contact them for a quote.

Q: What are the alternatives to Aquaveo SMS Premium?

A: There are some other software products that can be used for surface water modeling, such as HEC-RAS, MIKE 21/3/11/FM/FLOOD/HD/ECO/LAB/SHE/SWMM/URBAN/HYDRO/ASPECT/STORM/WATER/QUALITY/SEDIMENT TRANSPORT/WAVE/TIDAL/CIRCULATION/MORPHOLOGY/PARTICLE TRACKING/MODELS (DHI), DELFT3D (Deltares), TELEMAC (EDF), FLOW-3D (Flow Science), etc. However, each software has its own advantages and disadvantages in terms of features, performance, usability, compatibility, support, etc. You should compare them carefully and choose the one that suits your needs and preferences best.

Q: How can I learn more about Aquaveo SMS Premium?

A: If you want to learn more about Aquaveo SMS Premium, you can visit their official website where you can find more information about their products, services, support, training, resources, etc. You can also watch some video tutorials on their YouTube channel or read some user manuals and guides on their documentation page. You can also join their online community where you can interact with other users and experts of Aquaveo SMS Premium. Q: What are the limitations of Aquaveo SMS Premium?

A: Aquaveo SMS Premium is a powerful and versatile software for surface water modeling, but it also has some limitations, such as:

  • It requires a high-performance computer and a large amount of disk space and memory to run complex and large-scale models.

  • It may not support some of the latest numerical models or features that are available in other software products.

  • It may not be compatible with some of the data formats or applications that are used by other software products.

  • It may have some bugs or errors that can affect the accuracy or reliability of the results.

Therefore, you should always test and verify your models and results before using them for any decision-making or engineering purposes.

Q: How can I get help or support for Aquaveo SMS Premium?

A: If you need any help or support for Aquaveo SMS Premium, you can contact Aquaveo through various channels, such as:

  • Email: You can send an email to with your questions or issues. You should include your name, email address, phone number, license number, product version, operating system, and a detailed description of your problem. You should also attach any relevant files or screenshots that can help them diagnose your problem.

  • Phone: You can call them at +1 801-691-5529 from Monday to Friday, 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM Mountain Time. You should have your license number and product version ready when you call them.

Online: You can visit their online support page where you can find some FAQs, tips, tricks, t


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