Auto Image Attributes Pro V1.3
Structure 2: Using PrestaShop's Default Combination Structure + Attribute Wizard Pro, you can continue to use the default PrestaShop combination generator while enjoying many of this module's most popular features such as Disable / Hide Unavailable Combinations, layered attributes images, and the ability to input attributes using textbox, textarea, file upload, radio buttons and more.
Auto Image Attributes Pro v1.3
*If you do not need to use a large number of attributes per product, or layered attributes images, or a few of the other features this module offers, you may be able to use the regular Attribute Wizard for basic front office customization.
V1.4 (09/30/11)Added the ability to edit products from the cart.Added the ability to hide / disable out of stock products.Fix product thumbnail to match the combination image (when adding to cart).Fix for price impact / taxes (include / exclude).Added automatic upgrade notification.Updated French translations.
V1.5 (11/19/12)Support for PS 1.5.x (up to 1.5.2)Using full CSS in front end (instead of a mix of CSS + tables).Added Attribute Layered Images support (see demo).Add option to display attributes as a single image selection (no radio button).Updated scrolling cart functionality.Added help tooltips inside the configuration page.
V1.5.4 (03/22/13)Added support for PS 1.4.10Fixed support for multistore.Added support for advanced stock management + warehouse.Added checkbox support for attribute layered images.Attribute layered images are now ordered to match the groups (z-index value).Added option to display attribute layered images in popup mode (adding the product image).Fix for cart block display when using product with and without attributes.
V1.5.7 (07/14/13)Added support for PS 1.4.11Updated instructions for overriding modules (when also overridden in the theme folder)Fixed a potential stock problem when using multishop.Delete temporary attributes now deletes from new PS 1.5 tables as well.Disabled attribute image links when using popup mode.Hiding quantity field when using "Quantity" attribute type (in popup mode).
V1.6 (09/02/13)Support for PS 1.5.5Added new "Hidden" group type which allows having 1 attribute for a product not as the default combination (to not automatically apply impact).Excluding temporary attributes from product page Javascript (PS 1.4+)Fix for cart quantity check of textbox / textarea (PS 1.4+)Fix for attribute copy feature.
V1.7.6 (09/27/14)Added a "required field" option to drop-down, radio and image attribute typesAdded Min / Max selection option for checkboxesAdded support for attributes in URLs
V1.7.8 (01/2/15)Fix for layered images and checkboxFixed price impact on multistoreFixed FF favicon issueUpdated cart checkout tpl file for PS 1.6Fixed textbox auto width resize
NextJS introduced a solution for delivering performant images on the web in v.10. It features a new Image component and built-in automatic image optimization. In the coming sections, you'll learn how to leverage this solution for optimizing and developing performant applications, thereby improving developer and end-user experiences.
Before you dive into using the Image component, it's important to prepare your images in order to achieve optimum performance results. If you are dealing with a dynamic and large amount of images, you may want to consider a Content Delivery Network (CDN) such as Cloudinary to host your images. CDNs provide many images and application performance benefits such as automatic caching, file compression, and image resizing on the fly.
What's interesting to note is that next/image automatically generates width, height, and blurDataURL values for statically imported images. These values are used to prevent Cummulative Layout Shift (CLS) before the image is finally loaded. It's also possible to pass these values explicitly.
When set to blur, the blurDataURL value will be used as a placeholder. If src is a statically imported image and the image format is any of .jpg, .png, .webp, and .avf, an automatically generated image will be passed as a value to the blurDataURL prop:
This prop is particularly useful for images visible above the fold - i.e, the portion of a web page that is visible without scrolling. Images visible above the fold, such as images on a landing page, should use the priority prop for the performance boost. This prop tells the browser to preload the image as it's considered a high priority. Lazy loading will be automatically disabled for images using priority. It takes a Boolean value and defaults to false:
One powerful feature of next/image Image component is automatic source set generation. This means NextJS can internally generate different sizes of an image and determine which of the images to download for a specific viewport size.
The sizes prop only works for images with layout="responsive" or layout="fill". The sizes property lets us define a set of media conditions (e.g., viewport width) and slot width to tell the browser what size of image to download from the automatically-generated source set when a certain media condition is true.Below is an example from the next/image docs showing how this works.
Lets you add custom CSS styles to the underlying image element. To enable custom styling on the component, you can also target the image with className. Note that styles applied by the layout prop will take precedence over the style prop. Also, if you modify an image's width using the style prop, you must set height="auto" or the image will be distorted.
Congratulations if you made it this far! In this article, you learned how to use next/image to deliver optimized images in NextJS through automatic lazy-loading, preloading of critical images, automatic sizing across devices, automatic support for modern image formats, and how to improve the performance of your application metrics using the component.
HTMLElementSupport in all current engines.Firefox1+Safari1+Chrome1+Opera8+Edge79+Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer5.5+Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android1+Samsung Internet?Opera Android10.1+HTMLUnknownElementSupport in all current engines.Firefox1+Safari6+Chrome15+Opera12.1+Edge79+Edge (Legacy)12+Internet Explorer9+Firefox Android?Safari iOS?Chrome Android?WebView Android?Samsung Internet?Opera Android12.1+[Exposed=Window]interface HTMLElement : Element [HTMLConstructor] constructor(); // metadata attributes [CEReactions] attribute DOMString title; [CEReactions] attribute DOMString lang; [CEReactions] attribute boolean translate; [CEReactions] attribute DOMString dir; // user interaction [CEReactions] attribute (boolean or unrestricted double or DOMString)? hidden; [CEReactions] attribute boolean inert; undefined click(); [CEReactions] attribute DOMString accessKey; readonly attribute DOMString accessKeyLabel; [CEReactions] attribute boolean draggable; [CEReactions] attribute boolean spellcheck; [CEReactions] attribute DOMString autocapitalize; [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString innerText; [CEReactions] attribute [LegacyNullToEmptyString] DOMString outerText; ElementInternals attachInternals(); // The popover API undefined showPopover(); undefined hidePopover(); undefined togglePopover(optional boolean force); [CEReactions] attribute DOMString? popover;;HTMLElement includes GlobalEventHandlers;HTMLElement includes ElementContentEditable;HTMLElement includes HTMLOrSVGElement;[Exposed=Window]interface HTMLUnknownElement : HTMLElement // Note: intentionally no [HTMLConstructor]; The HTMLElement interface holds methods and attributes related to a number of disparate features, and the members of this interface are therefore described in various different sections of this specification.
Provide "null" alt attributes (using alt="") for images which do not provide information or do not require alternative text because the image is described in the page content. Some developers will mistakenly leave off the alt attribute altogether on images which they deem do not need alternatives. This is not helpful to assistive technology users because the assistive technology, such as screen reader, will often read the source attribute (i.e., file name) as the alternative text. To tell assistive technology to ignore an image, use a "blank alternative text" attribute: alt="".
The following alt attributes are not acceptable: alt="none", alt="nothing", alt="image", or alt="page 3". Leaving out the alt attribute is also not acceptable. The attribute alt="" is acceptable in cases where the image is decorative and does not have any content or meaning.
Note that the video tag must include the required poster image. The customer sees the poster image in the text and clicks the image to start the video. The controls attribute allows readers to play, pause, and scrub the media; autoplay will automatically start playing the audio or video without stopping. The controls and autoplay attributes are boolean; including them will activate the attribute no matter their value. For example, autoplay="false" is the same as autoplay="true". Note that although autoplay is supported, Apple recommends that it not be used. It is best to allow readers to control their own reading experience as they know the environment in which they are reading.
As you can see in the following demo, the same values are set for a div and an (a replaced element), the div element is using the and becomes a square, but the image follows its intrinsic aspect ratio. If you remove auto from the values, you can see that the image is forced to be a square:
Free Download Auto Image Attributes Pro v4.2 + Free v4.2 Nulled. Visual search is on the rise, no doubt. Search engines rely on image attributes like image alt text and image title to figure out what an image is about.